Too Little, Too Late, for too Many Homeless, Mentally Ill People

In late March 2020, Dennis Culhane, Ph.D., who is one of, if not the nation’s most trusted researcher into homelessness of individuals unaccompanied by children, issued a terrifying, and for many of us, a heartbreaking report. According to his research, homeless individuals who are unaccompanied by children are 2 to 2.5 times more likely to be infected with the COVID-19 virus than non-homeless people.

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Mental Illness Pat Morgan Mental Illness Pat Morgan


Keepsakes are something kept, or to be kept in memory of the giver. I love keepsakes. The ones I treasure most are from my three sons and my grandchildren… hand-made cards, drawings, dried-out bits of flowers, weeds, and rocks picked up and brought to me by small hands and big smiles—and all the cards

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