Homelessness, rants, raves, and rock ‘n roll

Homelessness, rants, raves, and rock ‘n roll—

What an afternoon I had with my Interview on Big Blend Radio on my book, The Concrete Killing Fields!

Homelessness, rants, raves, and rock ‘n roll—all on the air Sunday with Nancy Reid and Lisa Smith, Big Blend Radio’s dynamic mother-daughter duo who care about pretty much everything and everybody. Whether it’s our national parks, horses, homeless people, or Elvis, they are very, very knowledgeable and they care.

Their radio show gave me the opportunity to rant about how it is almost impossible to get a homeless person with severe and persistent mental illness involuntarily committed for inpatient treatment, no matter how bad the weather or the conditions in which he or she is existing are.  

  • Doesn't matter that the person lacks insight into his illness and is at great risk of losing his fingers, toes, feet, or life.

  • Doesn't matter that all efforts to convince the person (most often a man) to accept shelter or housing have failed.

  • Doesn't matter that he is highly likely to be incarcerated for a crime that is a direct result of untreated mental illness.

  • (The least restrictive environment was never intended to be a jail.)

I am very good at ranting.I've had a lot of practice.  But Nancy and Lisa also gave me the opportunity to rave about the thousands of people, paid staff and volunteers of thousands of programs across the country, who do everything they can to help homeless people break the cycle of shelters, streets, hospital emergency rooms, and, for far too many, jails. Then, because all three of us love Elvis and I live in Memphis, I got to rave about Elvis and tell my favorite Elvis story!  What an afternoon!

Join me in my rants and raves when you get a copy of The Concrete Killing Fields…  

Amazon has a copy waiting for you!


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Pat Morgan, Advocate for Homeless is Blogging!